Your Neighbourhood

Lifestyle Clinic



Anti-Wrinkle Treatments


肉毒杆菌A 是一种除皱治疗,对前额、鱼尾纹和眉头纹等区域以获得证实其安全性和有效性。 这个治疗是FDA批准的,效果可持续4-6个月,因人而异,而且无休复期。 除皱治疗是近年来医美领域中首选最受欢迎的治疗方法,因为它的效果快速和自然。



在我们的诊所,我们使用肉毒杆菌毒素 A 来改善手掌和腋下区域的多汗症。 其机制是通过抑制神经肌肉接头中的乙酰胆碱受体,以变减少治疗部位的肌肉活动,这样就能够减少皱纹;

• 治疗价格**
• 无修复期
• 治疗时间仅需30分钟

Mesobotox Treatment

全脸抗皱纹的其中一种治疗方法,是使用稀释量的肉毒杆菌A,注射在皮肤的表层。让您在短短 3-5 天内达到改善皮肤的效果,例如细纹、缩小毛孔、减少皮肤发红和全脸紧实提脸效果。这使老化的脸部得到整体的焕发活力,而不会使脸部看起来僵硬或“没有表情”,让整个脸看起来清新和年轻。

这种治疗是在涂抹麻醉霜后进行的。治疗后通常会出现 1-2 天的轻度发红,瘀伤并不常见。治疗效果持续 3-4 个月,建议重复治疗才能获得更长久的效果。我们通常建议 30-40 岁有轻度皱纹和轻度细纹问题的人们使用此疗法。一些人在做了除皱治疗后立即注意到轻度提升(V-lift)。

• 治疗价格***
• 1-2天修复期
• 疗程只需1小时

Fillers Treatments

玻尿酸用于“填充”面部因老化而导致体积损失的部位,例如法令纹、凹陷的脸颊或泪沟、黑眼圈,同时也可用于打造性感的双唇。它的效果可以持续 1-3 年,具体取决于所使用的玻尿酸品种。这是一种普遍的治疗,与抗皱和提脸治疗结合使用,可以实现整体更年轻、更清新的面部。玻尿酸注射产生即刻、自然的效果, 而且短修复期。结果也会因品牌种类和注射者的技术有所差别。



品牌选择包括 Juvederm、Teosyal、Radiesse、Ellanse、Dermaveil,均取决于您的需要和选择。基于对每种填充物进行的许多研究,每个品牌的填充物都有其不同的特性和有效期。基于玻尿酸填充剂因其可逆性和多功能性而被广泛使用。它可以注射用于全脸治疗,持续 1-2 年,而 Radiesse、Ellanse 和 Dermaveil 等胶原蛋白刺激填充剂通常持续更长时间,并且具有对老化皮肤的长期益处。


• 治疗价格***
• 最少 2-3 天的修复期
• 治疗时间仅需30分钟


镭射激光疗法 我们的镭射激光治疗与其它传统的激光不相同。在不影响提供出色的效果之情况下,修复期也很减短!它适合用于所有皮肤类型。即使接受治疗,您仍然可以恢复日常活动,所以不用操心。我们的诊所仅提供FDA批准的镭射激光系统。该系统可以有效地治疗各种皮肤状况,同时具有安全性。现代的激光器修复期很短,有些时候根本没有修复期,而且也不会造成任何长期副作用。

Common indication includes:

   Pigmentations & Sun damaged skin

Using Medlite c6 (USA) Q-switch Laser:
– Melasma
– Nevus of Ota
– Café-au-lait lesions
– Sun damages skin, Solar lentigens
– Uneven skin tones
– Tattoo removals
– Freckles
– Skin rejuvenation
– Pore size reduction
– Oily control
– Acne skins

• 治疗价格***
• 1-2天修复期
• 疗程只需1小时

  Acne and Scar treatments

Using Edge Fractional Co2 Laser:
– Skin rejuvenation and fine lines (anti-aging)
– Pore size reduction
– Oily control
– Acne Scars Laser Removal. Click here for more information.
– Wrinkles
– Improves Skin laxity and texture
– War
– Warts/Moles/Corns

• 治疗价格***
• Downtime 5-7 days
• 治疗时间仅需30分钟

If you have specific skin problems and book your consultation with us as we will perform skin analysis for all cases to determine your skin types and problems.

Facelifting Treatment

As our skin ages, it losses its elasticity and thus is sags downwards due to the effect of gravity. It creates new problem on the face such as the laugh lines, sunken cheek area and also appearance of jowling on each sides of the mouth. To reverse this effect of aging, we offer few options of treatment to address this problem. In some cases, combination may be required for the best effect as there is a unique benefits to each options.

Indiba Face lifting

This is a heat based device based on proionic Radio frequency technology. Indiba is designed and made in Spain, has 30 years experience on this technology and numerous research on its benefits. Its treatment is done over 45 mins -1 hour over face and neck, body area such as tummy or arms area, thigh are for treatment of cellulite and fats. Results are immediate but repeated treatments (usually 4-8 treatments) required to have a long lasting effects. Treatment is relaxing (feels like a massage) and it does not have any downtime or redness post treatment. Its also not a painful procedure and its also suitable for post surgery like liposuction, or post delivery such as LSCS ( Caeserean section ) for mommy who wants to restore their body elasticity to prior to pregnancy. Its also an excellent device for saggy breast and mild eyebags for those who do not want to go for surgery and want a more natural result. Indiba helps reduces water retention problem by improving lymphatic system of our body. Its usually done in combination for any weight loss procedure to tightening loose skin post weight loss.

• 治疗价格***
• 最少 2-3 天的修复期
• 治疗时间仅需30分钟


多年来,超声技术已作为一种适用于治疗多种疾病,例如超声扫描检查和肾结石切除。 它可以用于怀孕期间扫描,以查看胚胎图像,并且可以无动刀地情况下将肾结石炸成碎片。 在医美上,它用于治疗面部,颈部和身体部位的松弛皮肤。它无需动刀,无修复期,也不涉及任何针头。 而且效果持久。一次的超声刀治疗,我们的皮肤就会产生新的胶原蛋白,并且可以重复治疗8-12个月以获得最佳效果。这个疗法适合轻度下垂的人士。它也可以针对双下巴,提脸的效果也明显。


• 治疗价格***

• 无修复期

• 疗程只需1小时


In our centre we offer a few selection of thread lifting method, namely the Korean PDO thread lifting (Polydioxanone) which is bioabosorable by our skin and leaves no scarring, results are immediate with possible downtime of 1 week. These thread has lifting capacity to elevate saggy areas including saggy jowl or jawline, deep laughing lines and also marionettes line. Skin will notice improvement after new collagen is form after 2 weeks of treatment with noticable tightening effect and natural glow. We also perform silouhette soft, an innonvative non-surgery facelift using polylactic acid (PLA), which is a well-known polymer that has been used for many years in a number of biomedical and pharmaceutical applications. Threadlifting is preferred for patient who wants significant lifting and tightening of the face, and is usually done in combination of filler for best outcome. Result is natural, and it does not cause long term side effect as the thread is fully absorbable by the human body, and treatment can be done after 1-2 years. Skin is noticeably tighter after treatment due to production of new collagen, so there is long term benefits of thread. Some clients notice improvement of skin texture, pores and fine lines post threadlift treatments.
Talk to us and let doctor advice you which treatment suitable to help with your condition and your expectation.

• 治疗价格****
• 无修复期
• Treatment duration 1.5 hour


For patient who is looking to have a more attractive sets of eye can consider this non-surgical method with low downtime to create double eyelid fold. This procedure is also know as Asian blepharoplasty, which is a procedure whereby the skin around the eye is reshaped and an upper eyelid crease is formed. This procedure is quick and is permanent, without any scar and result is natural as well. This procedure is non-surgery, and is suitable for most cases.

Downtime is expected to be 1-2 weeks with mild swelling or mild bruising. Procedure is done under local anaesthesia, and post care include keeping the area clean and application of antibiotic ointment daily for first week.

Our centre practices mini-incisional method which produces lesser downtime and natural result. Height can be individualised depending patients requirement and this method is scarless, some amount of fat can be extracted during the procedure to reduce puffiness of upper eyelid, however this treatment not suitable for patient with excessive droopiness or skin sageness as its non-surgery and no skin can be removed. Results is permanent, at least until upper eyelid starts to sag down due to aging and making the height of double eyelid lower. Can op for surgical correction or plexr non-surgical treatment later.

This method is also sometimes referred to as micro incisional or 3 incisions double eyelid. Review is done in 1 week and 1 month time post procedure to ensure both side is equal and balance.

Book a consultation with our doctor to see if you are a suitable candidate for this procedure. Click here for information on double eyelid stitching.

• 治疗价格***

• Downtime 1-2 week

• Treatment duration 1.5 hour

Dimple Creation Procedure

For patient who wants a natural sets of dimple, our dimple creation procedure can help you achieve a more attractive smile with minimal downtime. This procedure is quick, without any scar and result is natural as well. Downtime is expected to be 1 week with mild swelling. Eating and talking during this period of time is as per usual. Procedure is done under local anaesthesia, and post care include keeping the area clean and oral antibiotic daily for 3-5 days. Review is done in 1 week and 1 month time post procedure to ensure both side is equal and balance. Result usually last 3-5 years, and procedure can be repeated at a later time.

Book a consultation with our doctor to see if you are a suitable candidate for this procedure.

• 治疗价格***

• Downtime 1-2 week

• 疗程只需1小时



• 治疗价格***

• Downtime 1-2 week

• 疗程只需1小时

Is your skin dull and lacklustre? Are you constantly applying hydrating mask but your skin still dry? Or you are looking for an effective way to restore suppleness of your skin in just one treatment?

Dermashine is a treatment made famous in South Korea, where the main objective is to restore your skin hydration by using hyaluronic acid into the deep layer of your skin using a micro injection device. With this device, every drop of product is delivered into the skin layer with high accuracy, low downtime and minimal discomfort.

我们有特别结合玻尿酸和水光成分,让您您可以期望脸部嫩滑效果持续约 2-3 个月。玻尿酸的特征是它可以吸收高达 1000 倍的水分,因此它一般的产品涂抹在皮肤上更有效。

在注射前我们会先涂上一层麻醉药,注射过程大约15分钟,然后 5-7 天即可看到效果。修复时间仅仅一天。红肿,瘀伤极为罕见。通常建议在2-3周后重复疗程, 以达至更全面和长久的效果。




Plexr is a treatment that utilises plasma energy to treat saggy upper eyelid due to exessive droppiness of upper eyelid secondary to aging. Plexr is a revolutionary innovation in the field of aesthetic medicine and surgery. Plexr removes excess skin in a process called sublimation allowing us to tackle a multitude of problems without a single cut or stitch. Due to this, its downtime is lesser and it involves less surgical related risks.

Plexr is commonly used for indications such as:

• eyebrow lifting

• saggy skin around the eyes

• fine lines around eyes

• static wrinkles reduction

• mole removal

• active acne

• imbalance eyelid

Plexr is very safe because it had been designed to be used for thin skin around eyes. For first 1 week, expect local swelling, redness followed by crusting and peeling of the crusted skin up to a week. Immediate lifting will be seen and it will continue to improve for 1-3 months after your treatment.

The result of plexr treatment is permanent. However, the skin will continue to age and eventually saggy skin will reappear usually after 3-5 years. Plexr treatment can be repeated again at a later stage.

• 治疗价格***

• Downtime 7-10 days

• 疗程只需1小时


1st floor unit 19, Oasis village, Jalan PJU 1A/7A, Oasis Damansara.
 Car park available underground B1 and around the mall area – Nearest LRT ARA Damansara 
 Monday – Saturday, 10am – 7pm
 Closed – Sunday & Public Holiday
 L1-13, Kompleks Perniagaan, No. 3, Jalan Bangsar, KL Eco City, 59200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
Car park available at B1, B2 – Nearest LRT Abdullah Hukum
 Monday – Sunday, 10am – 8pm